Home News Cytomine at the NEUBIAS Academy

Cytomine at the NEUBIAS Academy

Two webinars focused on Cytomine are organised by the Neubias Academy on May the 4th (be with you) and May the 11th of 2021.

NEUBIAS is the Network of EUropean BIoimage AnalySts.

NEUBIAS is a COST initiative.


This first webinar was dedicated to an overview of Cytomine main features & concepts for collaborative image analysis over the web:

  • Organization of imaging datasets into projects with access rights and user roles, upload of images.
  • Remote visualization of very large images (digital pathology, multidimensional, hyperspectral), synchronized viewer, multiple views, …
  • Creating and sharing metadata and annotations: manual annotations of regions of interests (incl. point, polygon & freehand tools), user layers, ontology terms, properties, description, tags, attached file, annotation links.
  • Configuration & settings of a Cytomine instance and projects (custom user interface, …).
  • Application of algorithms using the web interface for semi-automated annotations (overview, to be followed in Session 2)

Here is the complete video of this Webinar :