Home News University of Namur contributes to our Open Access Image Collection

University of Namur contributes to our Open Access Image Collection

It is with great pleasure that we welcome the Laboratory of Cells and Tissues (LabCeTi) of the Molecular Physiology Research Unit (URPhyM) of the University of Namur as the first official contributor to our Open-Access Image Collection.

In batches of about ten images, it is no less than the best off of the whole-slide image collection from their histology.be platform which will progressively be included in our collection.

It is an honour for Cytomine to be able to host these images of great educational and technical value.

The first batch posted this week includes 9 images of the integumentary system. They show you how skin is organised, and how hair, claws or hooves come into being.

The provision of such images should undoubtedly allow medecine and biology teachers to create activities around the discovery of life with their students, using our virtual microscope for free.

The Cytomine team warmly thanks Professors Yves Poumay and Charles Nicaise and their team for their trust in our Open Access Collection.

To learn more about the philosophy of this collection see the dedicated about page.